Sunday, April 20, 2008

Liam And The Pink Undie Dance

This is such a funny video of Liam! He decided that my pink head band was really pink undies and so he put it on and did a "pink undie dance" for us!! He will hate me for this when he grows up but it sure is funny! Hey, I have something that I can use as blackmail for when he is a teenager, how awesome for me!

Liam And The "Helmet"

I am currently organizing videos and pictures right now and I stumbled upon this one of Liam taken March 29, 2008. We were in IKEA and Liam took the colander in the basket and was wearing it through most of the store, once he realized we were video taping him however he wouldn't leave it on for us to record. Lots of other moms were laughing and giving me that, "I totally understand" look. It was really quite funny!